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Sustainability Related Projects
Project Phase Definitions

The following defines the various project phases:

  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.

The following projects are deemed to impact housing:


America's City for Health


Led by : DMC EDA
Description Interlocking between DMC, Olmsted County and Rochester City and Community organizations to ensure social impacts are factored into DMC project evaluation process and City Comprehensive Plan (P2S).

In City for Good (In the Shadow of Growth)


Led by : In the City for Good Steering Committee
Description City for Good is coalition of eight Action Groups addressing deficiencies in the DMC plan: Living Wages, Transportation, Affordable Housing, Sustainability, Social Services, Education, Social Justice and Historic Preservation.

Rochester A City of Compassion (RocCoC)


Led by : Rochester MN A City of Compassion
Description Help Rochester to be a more compassion city via the following 3 Focus areas: (1) Honoring and supporting compassionate thought and action already existing in our community (2) Growing a culture of compassion as a binding force in our community (3) Creating opportunities for meaningful participation in compassionate actions

Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan

Impacting: Best Practice ; Sustainability

Led by : City of Rochester, MN & DMC EDA
Description The Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan will focus on five key areas - Vibrant Neighborhoods, City for Health, Transportation, Resilient Economy, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions - highlighting economic, environmental, and social resiliency strategies that can help guide the city on future decision making. This will better prepare the community for foreseen and unforeseen impacts from disasters, but also strengthen the community through successes.

Building Benchmarking

Impacting: Best Practice ; Business Process

Led by : City of Rochester, MN
Description The Rochester Energy Benchmarking Program provides a platform for Rochester business and building owners to track their energy use and identify ways to save money on utility bills.

Destination Medical Center (DMC)

Impacting: Best Practice ; Business Process ; Livable City ; Hotel & Hospitality ; Retail, Dining & Entertainment ; Arts & Culture ; Commercial Research & Technology ; Health & Wellness ; Learning Environment ; Sports, Recreation, Nature ; Heart of the City ; Discovery Square ; UMR and Recreation ; Central Station

Led by : DMC EDA
Description Intended to bring to Rochester, Olmsted County and Minnesota private investment in excess of $5.6 billion: • Seeks to create at least 35,000 new jobs in Minnesota and bring tax revenue in excess of $7 billion to the State • Intended to give prospective employees,patients and visitors substantial reason to consider Rochester their ‘destination’.

Journey of Peace


Led by : Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC)
Description Guided by the root meaning of our planet's diverse wisdom traditions we embark on the hero's journey toward peace and compassion.

Population Health Science Program


Led by : Mayo Clinic
Description The Population Health Science Program in the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery seeks to improve primary care practice and advance population health science through health care delivery research. The program's interdisciplinary scientific team is comprised of experts from primary care medicine, health services research, biostatistics, epidemiology, social and behavioral science, and public health. Led by clinical and research faculty members, the Population Health Science Program is grounded in epidemiological, health services and behavioral research. Program researchers are focused on: Describing disease burden and relevant health outcomes among target populations Identifying and characterizing the determinants of health outcomes in populations Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery in primary care Evaluating the impact of primary care on patient behavior, access to care and use of services Evaluating the impact of community-based interventions on population health

Well Living Lab


Led by : Delos & Mayo
Description We collect and analyze thousands of data points and uncover correlations that can be applied in practical ways to provide long-term benefits to people and society.