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Assisi Heights Spirituality Center Fall spiritual events on compassion

 Impact Lvl 1: Best Practice ; Caring Relationship ; Civic Engagement ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Sustainability
Public Report on Journey of Peace led by Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC)
Last modified: August 27, 2016



Misc events as part of 2016 City of Compassion celebration.


The following are events scheduled through the Assisi Heights Spirituality Center in Rochester for this fall in September and October.  They are all created to explore our relationship to compassion for personal awakening, and as we move towards signing the City Charter to declare Rochester a City of Compassion in 2017. 

Assisi Heights Fall Catalog


Events Highlights

Vibration Sound Healing: Immersion in Vibration of Sound, Symbol & Love

September 17, 12:30-5:00pm 
$45 pre-registered/pre-paid, $50 at the door.
The purpose of the SOUND is to elicit a mindful state, a single pointed meditation of concentration, guiding us back to the truth of our nature. This is a special sound healing journey based on the rhythms of nature, in the Autumnal Equinox. We are introduced to the healing effects of the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Chants. The combined sound vibration and guidance of Thupten Dadak and Lee Ann Dzelzkaln will take you on a journey of great proportions, grounded in your Truth of Being. Experience a myriad of sacred sound instruments, as well as Thupten chanting the Heart Sutra and One Chord. We will end with a discussion of the Four Immeasurables, an opportunity to play the bowls, and experience closure in gratitude for our day together.
Facilitated by Cathy Ashton and members of the Rochester Compassionate City Committee.
p. 11 in the catalog


Book Discussion: A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to Be Compassionate Can Transform Our Lives

by Thupten Jinpa, PhD
September 15, 22, 29 and October 6, 6:30-8:00pm
$20 pre-registered/pre-paid for the series, $25 at the door.
Pulling from the latest Western research, as well as traditional Buddhist psychology, A Fearless Heart offers us a path to awakening and cultivating compassion. Using a revolutionary course in Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) at Stanford University, Thupten Jinpa, one of CCT’s creators and highly acclaimed thought leader and longtime English translator for the Dalai Lama, takes us from mindfulness practice into a deeper and more powerful practice of compassion. We recommend that you purchase and read the book in its entirety before the evening’s discussion, if possible.
Facilitated by Cathy Ashton, who is working with Mayor Brede, Rochester Franciscans, and others to develop Rochester as a Compassionate City.
This is an introduction to the “Compassionate Rochester 2016 Workshop” on October 15, 2016. See page 18 for workshop description.
Facilitated by Cathy Ashton p. 10 in the catalog


Compassionate Rochester 2016

October 15, 9:00am-4:30pm $45 pre-registered/pre-paid, includes lunch. No registration at the door.  A free will offering will be accepted for the instructors.
How from within us is compassion awakened and cultivated?
The Heart: Thupten Dadak, former Gyuto Tantric monk, will lead us into the daylong workshop with the vibration of Sound Healing, and share his living compassion in the Tibetan culture. This will open our hearts to receive the practical personal and community experience of the day.

Thupten Dadak was born in Tibet and grew up in a traditional household where daily life was defined by the devotional practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Taught mantras and simple rituals at age six, he eventually became a monk at the famed Gyuto Tantric Monastery and discovered he had the “Gyuto voice”, the deep vibrational sound of Gyuto’s famous multi-tonal sacred choir which is known for its transcendent power. The Gyuto monks spend countless hundreds of hours chanting prayers for peace and enlightenment for all sentient beings, and in doing so they deeply absorb the experience and vibrations of the secret teachings they practice.

Thupten’s deep affinity for these practices is lifelong, though he eventually gave up his robes and left the Monastery to come to America where he helped establish the first branch Gyuto Monastery outside Asia. He also founded the Tibetan American Foundation of MN, and led the Tibetan resettlement project which resulted in the 2nd largest Tibetan community in USA.

The Mind: Robert Cusick, former monk, teacher at Stanford and certified Compassion Cultivation trainer, will facilitate a one-day introduction to CCT (Compassion Cultivation Training) designed to strengthen the qualities of compassion, empathy, and kindness for oneself and others. The full course combines traditional contemplative practices with contemporary psychology and scientific research, and was developed by the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University School of Medicine.  

Robert Cusick trained at Stanford University School of Medicine in the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). He is a Certified Stanford CCT™ (Compassion Cultivation Training) Instructor and teaches at Stanford University, UCSF, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center and in multiple other venues. As a long time meditator and former monk, Robert ordained in Burma under the renowned meditation master, Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw, and studied with him from 2003 – 2012.  He has studied in the Soto Zen tradition while in residence at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, in the Ridhwan School’s Diamond approach with A. H. Almaas (Hameed Ali), and at Spirit Rock Meditation Center with Gil Fronsdal PhD, Jack Kornfield PhD, and others. He provides grief and bereavement support for adults and children at Kara in Palo Alto, where he co-leads men’s grief groups and facilitates retreats for fathers grieving the death of a child. He serves at Kara as an Educational Consultant and directs, teaches and co-facilitates trainings for Kara’s Caregivers Forum and Adult Services Program. Robert sits on the Board of Directors of the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies

p. 18 in the catalog

Journey of Peace VII Rochester: A City of Compassion

October 23, 2:00-4:00pm - no registration necessary
Calling all people of faith and goodwill!
Join us in building a culture that promotes the interrelated causes of compassion, peace, justice and sustainability for our planet and our people.
COME! As we celebrate various expressions of compassion flourishing in our community and nurture new seeds of compassion.
We look forward to your participation and spreading the word for these events. 

Cathy Ashton
The staff at Assisi Heights Spirituality Center






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At the October 2018 JoP event, speech by Judge Kevin Lund that calls for in service of hope for those less fortunate that us.

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Latest 10 Pinned Assisi Heights Spirituality Center (AHSC) organization and project reports

. Project Report of Journey of Peace : October 30, 2018 : Journey of Peace: Voice of Hope Keynote Speech
Impact Lvl1: Caring Relationship, Civic Engagement, Sustainability
Impact Lvl2:

At the October 2018 JoP event, speech by Judge Kevin Lund that calls for in service of hope for those less fortunate that us.

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Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

Links to Beam sub-sites 
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