We build this website to help create a healthy and inclusive community where opportunity and responsibility are broadly shared.
Click this LINK to follow some of the projects that we have been involved in.
The information contained here is obtained from various public sites and sources. Its goal is to show that Transparency, Accountability, Responsiveness and Process-centric (TARP) attributes of a community can be "beamed (Built, Enabled, Activated and Modeled)" into existence from a grass-roots level.
As we build out the site, we hope to awaken in the community an epiphany and a realization that a resilient community should have the vision and aspiration to develop and operate with interlocking processes and investments to allow public, economic and social development systems to complement each other so that collaboration is by design and not chance-encounter (or by luck).
The following is a list of recent status reports deemed having significant impacts to the wellness of the community:
Community Beam has the following sub-sites
Search Resources
Search Status Reports (Single Choice, Mulitple-choice)
Search organizations, projects (Single-Choice (click-box), Multiple-choice (checkbox)
Useful for community members to discover community news, reports, and what organizations (social, public agencies) exist in Rochester area and what projects they are working on.
Community Mobilization Resources Center (CMRC)
A sub-site of dmcbeam.org, the Community Mobilization Resources Center (CMRC) aims to provide "continuous communication" for the CMRC Coalition to increase awareness and understanding of public, private, non-profit organizations' plans and needs so that individually and collectively we will be more effective in carrying out our mission of serving the community.
Grass Roots Pilot Sites
We are also hosting the following websites to support some of our area's grass-root initiatives:
Open Beam
Open Beam (aka Beam) is about leveraging Web 2.0 and cloud computing to build technology capacities to serve the community.
Diversity Beam: OpenBeam.net in collaboration with Journey to Growth's Diversity/Inclusion Committee (now defunct) is "beaming" up this portal to showcase projects and organizations that aim to improve the well-being conditions of minority groups. Statistics such as those curated by Minnesota Compass tell us there are significant education and earning gaps in non-white populations across Minnesota. With projected workforce shortage and demographics trend, these gaps cannot persist if our region is to realize the Destination Medical Center (DMC) objectives and other overarching wellness aspirations.
In the City for Good: A community forum to focus on issues indirectly affected by DMC economic development: Affordable Housing, Education, Historical Preservation, Living Wage, Social Justice, Social Services, Sustainability and Transportation
Education Beam: A Beam subsite that captures Rochester area's efforts to improve K-12 education outcomes. Projects such as RPS's strategic plan, area's Cradle to Career collective impact project and grass roots participation in RPS's community engagement effort. The subsite offers a layered navigation into these currently disjoint efforts with the hope to beam up system level coordination.
Dashboard Beam
Dashboard Beam : Various anchor initiatives in Rochester have overlapping goals and that the organizations/teams driving these initiatives have great intention to collaborate. And the difficulty of teaming and collaboration among large scale projects is well-known though seldom receives serious discussions. That's why alignment of goals, indicators, strategies and measurements is highly valued in best-practices such as Lean 6 Sigma.
However, a rigid top-down approach which says everything has to be lined up before actions take place is not practical in our matrix world. What we champion is "beaming up" transparency, accountability, responsiveness and process-centric disciplines by leveraging technology to allow side-by-side visibility of various projects. This portal demonstrates how it could be done. Focused areas include: Disparities, Education, Housing, Economy, Workforce Development, and Health.
ICI Beam
ICI Beam is a web portal built on top of Al Lun's dmcbeam.org web platform. It is offered as a demo to show how a dashboard tool could be used to track intercultural progress and to make ICI information sharing more consumable.
Transportation Beam
Efficient, cost-effective transportation in SE Minnesota is crucial to its growth. We are building out this portal to demonstrate how technology can beam up (Build Enable Activate Model) transparency, accountability, responsiveness and project/process-centric execution of individual transportation plans, and to point out the need to have a systematic approach involving multiple public, private partnerships (PPP) to harmonize the various efforts.